Tips on Selling Your Property
Parting with your property can bring lots of fun and excitement but it is also hard work.
You need to first fix up all those small problems that you have ignored for many years. You also need to decide if you are going to sell it by your self or to make use of a professional real estate broker. The transaction will take time, and will depend greatly on the local real estate market.
Some mental and emotional preparation is needed too. Are you looking forward to moving up to a new dream house or facing the uncertainty of a major move across the country? It might well be hard leaving the memories behind or you might be keen to start a new life without the house you have lived in the last chapter of your life.
To keep your feelings under control concentrate on the multitude of practical matters that need your attention.
There are many questions to be considered in order to influence whether your home will sell or stand empty and weigh you down like a millstone around your neck. A house for sale should be visually appealing and in good condition. It should attract potential buyers driving down the street so pay attention to the following:
• Are the lawn and shrubs well maintained?
• Are there cracks in the foundation or walkways?
• Does the driveway need resurfacing?
• Are the gutter, chimney (if the house for sale has one) and walls in good condition?
• Do the window casings, shutters, siding or doors need painting?
• Are garbage and debris stored out of sight?
• Are lawn mowers and hoses properly stored?
• Are the kids toys tidied up?</pre>
It is important to clean up the mess inside as this will affect the descision of prospective buyers. These people prefer clean and comfortable homes. It is better to touch up the interior part of your homeby putting a fresh coat of paint in the most used areas for example. This will clean as well as brighten up the rooms and will help to dispense off unwanted odours.
Wash the walls where paints are not appropriate (for example wall paper, paneling and tiles). Wash all floor and bathrooms tiles. Clean or better yet shampoo dirty carpets (Again this is _very_ important to get rd of unwanted smells). Get rid of clutter. Clean out all closets, basement and attic. Use self storage if necessary. Replacing air filters and put some fresh plants in will help keep the dust down and the pleasant scents up.
It is natural that sellers want to get top dollar for their home, but know that this will scare off potential buyers. It may also cause the property to languish on the market for many months. A reduction in price later may lead buyers to wonder if there is something wrong with the home. Here are some factors to consider in putting in the right price for your home:
• The location
• Economic conditions
• Supply and demand in the local housing market
• Seasonal influences
• Local schools
• Average home prices in the neighborhood
• Home’s extras (like pool, fireplace, central air etc)</pre>
In determining the value of the home, you will probably be better to seek the advice of an estate agent or appraiser. Agents can prepare a market analysis
for you, showing the recent selling prices of three neighborhood properties comparable to your own. They can also help you adjust for the unique features of the home you’re selling.
If the seller has too little information about the home selling market, it’s better to contact a realtor. In finding a realtor, find someone that you feel comfortable with.
First ask your friends and acquaintances for any recommendations but make the final decision based on your needs. A realtor should show you research to support any recommendations, this includes information about recent sales, current listings and recent expired listing in your neighborhood.
The realtor will be knowledgeable in the area in which the home is located. They will get better co- operation from other agents. You should ask for references from the realtor as he or she should be willing to give you names of previous clients. Look for a realtor who can tell you what he or she knows from experience in the market, and not what they think you want to hear.
These home selling tips can avoid headaches when selling your home. Do not make yourself regret everything for not doing the right thing. Don't underestimate the demands of buyers as many people now wish to move in.
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