ZMedia Purwodadi

APEC Malaysia 2020 Logo Competition

Table of Contents

Terms and Condition for

APEC Malaysia 2020 Logo Competition

The purpose of the contest is to design a logo for APEC MALAYSIA 2020. Flexibility and scalability of design are key requirements as it should be ready for resizing, look good in black and white as well as color. The final version of the logo should be suited for viewing/ display as it will be used for promotions, lapel pin, buntings, t-shirt and other merchandising items.

The logo must:
a.      represent Malaysia and APEC;
b.      derive inspiration from our diverse, harmonious and unique multi-cultural country;
c.      reflect the 3 pillars of APEC, namely Trade and Investment Liberalization, Trade Facilitation and Economic and Technical Cooperation;
d.      contain the words “APEC Malaysia 2020” (must not contain any other text);
e.      include description for the rational in the choice of design and colors; and
f.       not contain any elements of political, race, religion and culture sensitivities.

Entries must be submitted as JPEG files (2” x 2”, 300 dpi and greater). For quality reproduction purposes, the winning entry need to be submitted in scalable vector graphic format (EPS).

Entries must be submitted via email to by 5 pm, 30 April 2018. Any enquiries can also be sent to this address.

This competition is open to all Malaysians. Participants are permitted to submit more than one design. Each submission must be sent in a separate email.

Entrants need to affirm their submission is of their own original work, have not been copied from others or from previous designs, including their own, and does not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.

All submission will become the property of MITI and may be used for any APEC National Secretariat Malaysia purposes, including, but not limited to, display on websites, business cards, letterheads, posters and other materials.

The APEC 2020 National Secretariat Malaysia shall have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winning submission in part or in its entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.

The winning entry will be selected by a Judging Committee comprising of MITI Top Management and representative from selected Non-Profit Organisations. Their Decision will be deemed as final.

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