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The Slurpee Siku Challenge By 7Eleven


The Slurpee Siku Challenge!

7-Eleven Malaysia is proud to launch its first ever – The Slurpee Siku Challenge! Take this opportunity to round up your friends and family to join this hilarious yet fun challenge.

Here are 3 simple steps to take part in the Slurpee Siku Challenge:

Step 1:
A qualified participant must purchase a Slurpee (any size) at any 7-Eleven stores and keep the receipt.

Step 2:
Take a creative 7-second video of yourself drinking Slurpee while holding the cup using only your elbows.

Step 3:
Upload to your Instagram or Facebook with the hashtags* #TheSlurpeeSikuChallenge #MitsubishiElectric #7ElevenMY

Think you’ve got what it takes to complete this challenge? We dare you to join now!

Contest Period: 26th Dec 2017 – 29th Jan 2018 

*Terms and Conditions apply. For full terms and conditions, please click here
*Contest is valid nationwide.
*Instagram/ Facebook must be public.

Be sure to follow us on our Facebook page to win more exciting and exclusive prizes

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