Adik Neelofa Hina Guru Di Sekolah Kerajaan
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Adik neelofa yang gila glamour telah menghina guru di sekolah kerajaan dengan pelbagai tohmahan yang tidak berasas...
Ini adalah ulasan isu oleh seeorang guru dari International school tentang isu adik Neelofa. Adik Neelofa sila hadam ulasan ini ya...
Sumber: Nia Zania AlBatukikiri
Precaution. Maaf byk2. Saya guna bahasa rojak. Sbb mmg begitulah saya di FB sy. Jika tidak suka, tak perlu share. Sorry again ya. smile emoticon )
Anyway.. I try not to comment on this. Tp x kira nak komen jugak. Haha. Bukan sahaja sbb now I am an international school teacher but also because I come from the family of teachers. My family majority are gov school teachers anyway.
Nop. I do not agree with her. Sorry guys. What u mean by teacher in gov school is not qualified as teacher in international school? Are u saying in term of the qualification? (Yelah what else kan) Wait.. Gov teacher x de qualification? Have u ever tried to apply to be a teacher for both schools (international n gov) ? I did!
Gov school klo u xde atleast degree in education u x boleh apply okeh. Paling cikai..diploma in education with degree.Tu x masuk ujian bertulis..interview bagai lagi.
But for international school (not all, mostly) Xkisah la u degree apa..msh boleh apply. X de ujian2 bertulis ni..kenali personaliti ke apa..x de ok. Do you know how important to have degree in education? No right? So dont simply judge.
Some points maybe ok. But most of her points blaming the gov teacher lah.. Itulah..inilah..itu silap.
Precaution. Maaf byk2. Saya guna bahasa rojak. Sbb mmg begitulah saya di FB sy. Jika tidak suka, tak perlu share. Sorry again ya. smile emoticon )
Anyway.. I try not to comment on this. Tp x kira nak komen jugak. Haha. Bukan sahaja sbb now I am an international school teacher but also because I come from the family of teachers. My family majority are gov school teachers anyway.
Nop. I do not agree with her. Sorry guys. What u mean by teacher in gov school is not qualified as teacher in international school? Are u saying in term of the qualification? (Yelah what else kan) Wait.. Gov teacher x de qualification? Have u ever tried to apply to be a teacher for both schools (international n gov) ? I did!
Gov school klo u xde atleast degree in education u x boleh apply okeh. Paling cikai..diploma in education with degree.Tu x masuk ujian bertulis..interview bagai lagi.
But for international school (not all, mostly) Xkisah la u degree apa..msh boleh apply. X de ujian2 bertulis ni..kenali personaliti ke apa..x de ok. Do you know how important to have degree in education? No right? So dont simply judge.
Some points maybe ok. But most of her points blaming the gov teacher lah.. Itulah..inilah..itu silap.
Tell much parent need to pay for the international school fees? My school alone..per year per student it will be minimum of RM10K. You got that? Sepuluh ribu ringgit!
If you pay such fees of course you deserve better service. Plus teacher's salary in international school a bit higher than teacher in gov school..but the workloads, the number of students, we are lesser than the gov school.
Gov school byk gile kot kerja. But pay standard rate je unless u dh kerja bertahun2. See how noble is our teacher at gov school then. Walaupun gaji maybe x byk mcm org lain tp msh menjalankan tugas mendidik kita dgn baik. Huhu.
If you pay such fees of course you deserve better service. Plus teacher's salary in international school a bit higher than teacher in gov school..but the workloads, the number of students, we are lesser than the gov school.
Gov school byk gile kot kerja. But pay standard rate je unless u dh kerja bertahun2. See how noble is our teacher at gov school then. Walaupun gaji maybe x byk mcm org lain tp msh menjalankan tugas mendidik kita dgn baik. Huhu.
Lg satu international school ada teacher assistant. Teacher aid. Teacher helper. So that we , the international school teacher do not have to do a lot of admin work compared to gov school yg semua benda cikgu buat. SEMUA ok. We can focus in our lesson preparation and teaching matters only. But if you look at gov school.. Cikgu subjek dia, sukan dia, jd driver hantar budak dia, phostostat dia, buat filing dia, decorate sekolah dia, even jd nurse pun dia. Come on. International school mostly ada sick bay dgn nurse OK!
So international school mmgla better dr gov school in term of service, no one will question about that. Ini kerana financially they are capable to have all that facilities to serve their students better. Dr kebersihan sekolah, kebersihan kantin, bangunan dan kelas yg kondusif, kemudahan belajar yg bagus, semua tu dtg jika sekolah punyai financial yg hebat. While our gov school xde. We tied to Malaysian Budget every year.
Cant u see that?
Y u comparing apple with orange?
Oh my...
So international school mmgla better dr gov school in term of service, no one will question about that. Ini kerana financially they are capable to have all that facilities to serve their students better. Dr kebersihan sekolah, kebersihan kantin, bangunan dan kelas yg kondusif, kemudahan belajar yg bagus, semua tu dtg jika sekolah punyai financial yg hebat. While our gov school xde. We tied to Malaysian Budget every year.
Cant u see that?
Y u comparing apple with orange?
Oh my...
Ada ibubapa hantar anak2 mereka ke international or private school bukan sbb sekolah kerajaan x bgs. Tp sbb nak anak mereka sendiri memerlukan utk belajar dlm keadaan cikgu focus kpda dia.
Gov school satu kls ramai.. Tp international mybe satu kls dlm 15- 20 org je. So cikgu can give extra care for the students. Plus diaorg they send la anak2 ke international or private school.
Gov school satu kls ramai.. Tp international mybe satu kls dlm 15- 20 org je. So cikgu can give extra care for the students. Plus diaorg they send la anak2 ke international or private school.
Maybe the only prob with gov school or better I say..national syllabus is the education system that always change according to who is the current minister. Matapelajaran2 dan peperiksaan2 yg kejap2 tukar dan content dlm beberapa subjek khusus yg mungkin x relevan itu mmg perlu di fokuskan. Kesian kat students dan cikgu2.
But tu pi tanya menteri la. Bukan sekolah atau cikgu.
And of course some discipline issues that need to be take seriously in gov school like kes buli..pukul..mcmtu.
But tu pi tanya menteri la. Bukan sekolah atau cikgu.
And of course some discipline issues that need to be take seriously in gov school like kes buli..pukul..mcmtu.
The rest.. I am proud to have my education from the gov school. I proud coz I have an experience to eat at the gov school canteen with air sirap and mee goreng bodoh everyday. It doesnt make me stupid pun. Still dpt msk university..had my accounting degree..furthering in master level.. Ok what?
And if one day I kaya raya pun.. I will never send my kids to international school. Klo nak sgt pun maybe islamic private school like al amin ke..adni ke..
You know why? Well... You will know once u be a part of the international school team kan Dajwa? 😏😏😏
My apology to all. No offence guys. Just my 2 cents.
You are welcome to disagree. 😊
And if one day I kaya raya pun.. I will never send my kids to international school. Klo nak sgt pun maybe islamic private school like al amin ke..adni ke..
You know why? Well... You will know once u be a part of the international school team kan Dajwa? 😏😏😏
My apology to all. No offence guys. Just my 2 cents.
You are welcome to disagree. 😊
Teacher Nia
(Previously known as Miss Jalia)
Teacher Nia
(Previously known as Miss Jalia)
P/S: No scientific evidence shows that international school or private school students are smarter than our gov school students. Maybe ada but still cannot compete the best students from the gov school like in SBP and SBPi. Accept that fact guys.
P/S: I am not saying this to condemn the international school because I am a part of the team anyway and I'm proud of it. I do love teaching regardless gov or international school. Previously I work at private university for 5 years but my heart belongs to the school I guess. So nak msk gov school x boleh..thats y I apply international school. But my point here is if you want to compare between international n gov school alone.. it is not fair lah. Lgpun dia dh minta maaf. Budak2 lagi kan. Maafkan lah dia. Cuma sy nak org faham dgn idea kenapa sekolah kerajaan x boleh di bandingkan dgn sekolah antarabangsa. Tu je. Wallahualam
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